Substance use disorder
Substance Use Disorders usually require thorough assessments. However, asking yourself four simple questions can help you determine if you would benefit from a professional evaluation.
To start a confidential conversation about your drinking or substance use, please contact us!
Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking/drug use?
Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking/drug use?
Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking/drug use?
Have you ever had to drink or use in order to prevent or treat withdrawal symptoms (like the shakes, a hangover, or flu-like symptoms after drinking or using)?
Answering “yes” to one or more of these questions indicates that you may struggle with substances.
This doesn’t mean you’re an “addict.”
Scheduling an initial assessment at Safe can help you determine if you might benefit from treatment.
At Safe, clients enrolled in the Standard Track of our treatment program will collaborate with skilled therapists to establish and maintain a substance-free lifestyle. Our comprehensive approach aims to achieve various treatment objectives, including but not limited to: fostering abstinence, building a supportive network of sober individuals, discovering healthy coping strategies to manage cravings and impulses, enhancing communication with loved ones, and embracing a fulfilling recovery-oriented lifestyle.
We firmly believe that complete abstinence from all mood-altering substances is the most effective method to uncover the underlying causes of addictive behaviors. At Safe, we acknowledge that clients may have mixed feelings about abstinence. Consequently, we have designed a treatment track that concentrates on assisting individuals in resolving their ambivalence to determine the most suitable level of care.
Every therapist at Safe possesses specialized training in working with individuals grappling with substance use addictions.
At Safe, we recognize the vital importance of conducting a thorough and comprehensive assessment to accurately match clients with the appropriate level of care. Our team of trained professionals conducts these assessment, evaluating each client’s specific requirements and identifying their individuals treatment objectives. This assessment process also serves as a valuable opportunity for therapists and clients to establish a therapeutic alliance and collaboratively develop a personalized treatment plan.
Safe’s Clinical Team adheres to well-defined criteria when assessing the appropriateness and eligibility of prospective clients.
The following are the fundamental guidelines:
The applicant demonstrates a clear need for Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment services.
The applicant shows no signs of infectious diseases that can be transmitted through regular contact.
The applicant does not require immediate acute hospital care, acute psychiatric care, or other intensive services that cannot be provided simultaneously with outpatient care or would hinder their participation in treatment services.